Christina arranges workshops and welcome organised visits by small groups interested in art in her artist studio on the island Tjörn on request. It is a creative oasis on the countryside, near forest and sea. Minimum/maximum 4-6 participants per class/visit or private tuition by agreement.
Collage/Mixed Media - Introductory 1 day Workshop
A fun and exciting day to kickstart your creativity! You will get a brief overview of collages in the history of art and an introduction to how to use different types of materials and techniques. Then you will practically learn by creating your own collage/mixed-media art work to take with you home at the end of the day.
The course is suitable for professional artists as well as complete new beginners (adults only). No prior knowledge required. Lunch, "fika" and all course material is included. Price and dates on request. Welcome to contact for more information!
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